项目Punta Majahua是一个位于Troncones壮丽的冲浪别墅群,它是一个住宅综合体,位于墨西哥格雷罗州Troncones北面的一个半岛上,占地一万平方米,极具有战略意义。
Punta Majahua is situated in the magnificent surf villa of Troncones, it is a residential complex strategically located in a spectacular ten thousand square meter piece of land on a peninsula, north of Troncones, in the state of Guerrero, Mexico.
▽项目视频 Video Daniel Zozaya
The concept of Punta Majahua was designed to create luxurious beachfront residences, with a very organic, and fluid architectural style which would integrate the best way possible to accommodate the site. The masterplan of the project has six buildings with three floors each, and five to eight residences making a total of thirty-nine units, a covered garage area, paddle court, a family swimming pool with a semi olympic lap lane, an administrative office, a gym, staffing and service area, orchards for the resident’s consumption, and green areas.
Taking advantage of the location and geographic morphology of the land, we made it our top priority to build in the best location imaginable for these residences, situating them the closest we could possibly get to the ocean, and hence, obtaining spectacular ocean views, privacy between units and orientation to the north, which is ideal by the neach for reducing energy consumption, so as to keep the units sufficiently cooled.
Residences at ground level have semiprivate gardens with exclusive exits to the beach, and the upper units distinguish themselves for their ocean views and the Sierra Madre on the back facade. The architectural style of the project centers upon the use of curved walls on ground floors, and facades. As we break away from the traditional ninety-degree angles, we create very special, and unique homes, where the use of curved walls allowed us to resolve the spaces in a more integral way, and we exponentially improved the view, orientations, and crossed ventilation. Consequently, we created fluid and dynamic volumes, in which we achieved balance between vernacular and contemporary architecture to create residences that are functional, and easy to keep up.
本项目使用的材料是传统的Zihuantanejo costal风格中通常使用的材料,包括砖石墙、竹子、用于凉亭和凉亭的干棕榈树枝、用于室内地毯和底板装饰的河石、丛林锤击大理石地板、帕罗塔木和竹木。
The materials used on this project are what is normally used in the traditional Zihuantanejo costal style, including masonry walls, bamboo, dry palm branches for the gazebos and palapas, river Stones for the ornamentation of rugs and baseboards in the interiors, bush hammered marble floors, parota wood, and bamboo carpentry.
The landscaping of the project was based on the analysis and understanding of the local ecosystem, due to the scarcity of water in the region. The area is composed of a regenerative landscape, using a regional vegetable palette, with low water consumption, and is easily able to withstand the ocean breeze, and salinity, as well as the planting of local fruit trees, and the use of turf and gravel in various sections in order to reduce water consumption. It is worth mentioning that the project has it's very own residual water treatment plant, hence reusing the water to water to water the plants. This means that grey water is used to feed the plants, which thrive in such conditions.
因为它与自然的共生和融合,项目Punta Majahua是绝对杰出的,它为Troncones社区的发展奠定了基础,在国际游客中获得了巨大的人气和声望,游客蜂拥而至,不仅是为了一个拥有绝佳海浪的地方,更是为了一种全新的生活方式,一种更加自然、有机、和谐的振动,以及与墨西哥太平洋海岸一致的感觉,这些都是自然生活的完美因素。
Punta Majahua is absolutely outstanding for it's symbiosis and integration to nature, and without a doubt, a groundbreaking to the development of the Troncones Community, which has gained great popularity and prestige among international tourists, who flock to the region for not only a place with excellent waves, but also a different and new lifestyle, with a more natural, organic, harmonious vibration, and feel aligned with the coasts of the Mexican Pacific, which are the perfect ingredients for a natural life.
Project: Punta Majahua
Architecture Office: Zozaya Arquitectos
Country of Office: Mexico
Construction completion year: 2021
Constructed area: 7,773 m2
Location: Troncones, Guerrero, Mexico.
Architects In Charge: Enrique Zozaya, Daniel Zozaya
Design Team: José Antonio Vázquez, Ana Cadena, Jesús López, Cesar Octavio, Estela Valenzuela.
Construction Team: Carlos Morales García.
Photography Credits: Leonardo Palafox
Photographer Website: https://www.leonardopalafox.com/
Photography Credits: Cesar Belio
Photographer Website: https://cesarbelio.com/
Video Credits: Daniel Zozaya
非常感谢Zozaya Arquitectos供稿分享
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