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心灵鸡汤 琪琪拾柒有点皮

我在无人的街头想念着某某, 你在别人的宇宙施舍着温柔。

I miss so and so in no one's street, you give tenderness to others in the universe.


This autumn should be very good, if you are still by my side, if everything is not out of shape at first sight.



Where can someone like loneliness, but do not like disappointment.

多希望你知道其实我并不洒脱,然后告诉我: 你也很想我 。

I hope you know that I am not free and easy, and then tell me: you miss me too.



In fact, people who say they are lonely will not be lonely, and no one will listen to him.


The order of people's appearance is really important. The people who drink with you can't send you home.



Cowards are even afraid of happiness. They will get hurt when they encounter marshmallows, and sometimes they will be hurt by happiness.


Nothing in the world is more terrible than the lonely life in the crowd.



I've never been known, so I've never been forgotten. Living in the memory of others is not my goal.


I've always wanted to be a special person. Now I've done it. I'm so helpless, so sad and so decadent.


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