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心灵鸡汤 Lucky文案集


If you go forward, I must be behind you.

兜兜转转 走走停停 原来你还在这里—。

Go around, stop and go, so you are still here—.


别人都在复合 什么时候轮到我们。

Others are reuniting. When is our turn.

不要说对不起  我不想我们没关系。

Don't say sorry. I don't want us to be okay.


我想忘了你 可是连输入法都认识了。

I want to forget you, but I even know the input method.

总会有一个人,让你笑的最灿烂哭的最彻底 。

There will always be someone who makes you laugh the most brilliantly and cry the most thoroughly.



I love to laugh but it does not mean that I am really happy.

希望在你眼里  我比这个世界更重要一点。

I hope in your eyes I am a bit more important than this world.



There is no right or wrong in all the differences, and it is better to let it go than to go deep.

书上说 对的人兜兜转转总会遇见。

The book says that the right person will always meet after going around.


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