"Next time you meet someone you like, don't be cold or sarcastic."
"Do not leave her alone to daydream, because the disappointment is enough, she will leave, so the people you love must be careful.
“像那种独宠 特例 永远也不会在我这种普通女孩身上发生。”
"A special case like that would never happen to an ordinary girl like me."
You never think that the boy who is full of you will leave you too
No one would be sad at night if they could think of everything.
Apologize to your childhood self for not living up to your expectations.
We're both good at duplicity, but we want each other to know.
没有什么比让人看得透彻又放不下 还让人疲惫了。
Nothing is more exhausting than being thoroughly looked at and unable to let go.
There is a kind of silence is do not want to tell the truth, do not want to tell lies.
It is not reality but details that defeat love.
The world's most oppressed is farther and farther people and more and more wait for the bigger the rain.
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