Sui Sui Nian Nian should be told to those who have responded.
爱与被爱同时发生的时候 一定要好好相拥。
When love and being loved happen at the same time, we must embrace each other.
The beginning of the story is always very tender.
深冬如期而至 你却姗姗来迟。
The deep winter arrives as scheduled, but you are late.
这世界太吵闹 你要把自己照顾好。
The world is too noisy. Take care of yourself.
出现在别人生命里 应该要像个礼物。
Appearing in someone’s life should be like a gift.
大概在成长 也在丢失从前的自己。
Probably growing and losing the former self.
热闹的人容易散 慢热的人最长情。
Busy people are easy to dissipate, slow people are the most affectionate.
Life cannot be too complete, and it is not necessarily a pity to ask for nothing.
总会有一片海 适合我去看看。
There will always be a sea suitable for me to see.
每个人都要挺过一段难熬的日子 没有例外。
Everyone has to survive a difficult time without exception.
我希望吹过我的风 会绕好几圈去拥抱你。
I hope the wind that blows me will circle around several times to hug you.
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