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心灵鸡汤 琪琪拾柒有点皮



He was covered with thorns and did not want to hurt anyone.



Cactus covered with thorns, sensitive, suspicious, slow-heating, fragile, and low self-esteem, over-interpreting self-denial.


Don't be a person who is full of thorns because of lack of heart, it is difficult for you to meet someone who holds you in your arms.



I was originally a thorny person, but now that my life and reality have slowly erased the edges and corners, it does not mean that I have lost my temper.


Don't become a thorny person because of your lack of heart, because it is very difficult for you to meet someone who embraces you.



I want to be loved so much, I am unreasonable, sharp and thorny, covered in blood, and beg you to love me with that terrible and deformed attitude.


I know that I am covered with thorns, but I just feel proud and don't want to be drunk.



If you express your inner anxiety, panic, and fear in a weak way, it should be even more pitiful. You are full of thorns and eager to be understood and eager to be loved.


Why should I be thorny when I am full of love. When I messed up the relationship again and again, I caught it.



A man covered with thorns, you treat him a little bit better, he treats you twice as good, you treat him twice as good, and he treats you with heart and soul.


No matter who I get along with, I like to expose my edge first. If the other party does not leave because of my edge, then I will treat each other well.


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