Looking at you, my heart is boiling hot, like sunshine.
I think you're hurting me by approaching me. I like you so much.
不回我消息你就是个臭猪猪,我不回你消息很正常,你见哪个仙女不忙的 。
Do not return my news you are a stinky pig, I do not return your message is very normal, you see which fairy is not busy.
老老实实喜欢你,不羡慕别人 不计较太多,在喜欢你的每一个日子里被你喜欢,就这样,挺好的 。
Like you honestly, do not envy others, do not care too much, like you in every day you like, so, very good.
Before I met you, I took everything as it was. After I met you, I took you as my safety.
今天阴 那又怎样 我可以做你的小太阳啊。
What about today's overcast? I can be your little sun.
There are many kinds of likes, no matter which kind I want to give you.
Like me this matter may be laborious, I also don't want to bother others, you aggrieved, has been laborious good.
You are my brightest secret, and I have never had the confidence.
If you don't understand, just kiss me.
你是我的 剩下两行 都是情敌。
You're mine. The other two lines are enemies.
我爱你 每天都有据可查。
I love you every day,It's well documented。
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