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心灵鸡汤 琪琪拾柒有点皮


真羡慕你们一路丢了那么多人 ,我呢? 一路被人丢。

I envy you for losing so many people all the way. What about me? Lost all the way.


Your regret is not as painful as I was at that time. You can't turn back and I'll be there.


冬天已经冻僵了我的血管 今年我没有玫瑰花了。

Winter has frozen my blood vessels. I don't have roses this year.


Those who are at a low ebb look like redemption.



Afraid to see other people's eyes of the stars sea, and their only endless abyss.

我忍住了一天的不顺和烦恼, 却在不小心踢到桌角的时候坐在地上哭得泣不成声。

I endured a day of unhappiness and annoyance, but when I accidentally kick to the corner of the table, I sit on the ground and cry.



In fact, I can't get through any of those obstacles.

有些事 我能想通 我也能接受 但我很难受。

There are some things I can think of and I can accept, but I feel terrible.



How many grievances have you experienced before you have a good temper.


I am a person who has been denied from childhood to big. How do you want me to be confident?



I couldn't resist the sadness of the night.


The truly bereaved are practicing how to laugh.


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