Hear some things, obviously irrelevant, will also think of you in the mind turn several corners.
Even if life isn't that easy, I still want you in my future.
万物皆有不同,比如 ,我有你,而他们没有。
Everything is different. Like, I have you, and they don't.
I would like to become fireflies, with my life, for you to light a lamp.
Your eyes sea temperature ripple, hide mountains high water far, is my world.
I'm sure you're very busy, so you'll just have to read the first three words.
People who sleep in class like me, they only look up when they hear your name.
Most people are a little ugly when they're angry, but you're kind of cute when you're angry.
I think you, not only in the paper short feeling long rainy season, but also in the rest of the life of a clear sky.
You're the star in my dark life, and you're the only one who can save me.
The world is a mess and you're clean enough to hang over my heart and be the Sun and the moon.
I have traveled thousands of miles, around the city of Neon, through the street corner of the cool breeze, to find the beauty of the world, until a fine day to meet you, only to find that you are the sum of all the beautiful.
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