"I know that the days will pass slowly, that you will say goodbye, that we will all leave without looking back, and that the three-year feast will be over. I will try to remember you now, has not faded out of the green, a few days between the eyes and eyebrows mature, will also remember you between the class looked thoughtfully, class frowns meditate appearance.
结语:对我来说你已经是世界上独一无二的男孩你牵挂的仍是那朵玫瑰 可我已经爱上了和你头发相同颜色金黄麦穗爱上了风吹拂过麦田的声音 可我也想是可以陪你看43次日落的小狐狸
To me, you are the only boy in the world. You still care about the rose, but I have fallen in love with the ears of wheat with the same color as your hair. I have fallen in love with the sound of the wind blowing through the wheat fields
转载请超链接注明:头条资讯 » 超可爱的符号网名:你就这么一路撒着星星跑进我心里
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