所谓的朋友 不过也是物是人非的代名词
The so-called friend is also synonymous with right and wrong
我也不难过 毕竟这段关系是我们两个人一起搞砸的
I’m not sad, after all, this relationship was messed up by the two of us.
You still prefer to believe in me
The more familiar you are, the more you know where the knife is the most painful
A friend is someone who will make you shine instead of denying your light
当你回消息越来越慢 话越来越少的时候 我就知道 你要走了
When you get slower and slower and fewer words, I know you are leaving
我不要被丢下 你提醒我 我会自己走
I don't want to be left behind, remind me that I will go by myself
离开就是离开 错过就是错过 再见就是再见 没了就是没了
To leave is to leave, to miss is to miss, goodbye is goodbye, nothing is gone
Not slandering each other is our last tenderness to each other
If you can play together, you will part ways if you can’t play together. Anyway, everyone has something important to them.
任何一段关系 只要你想陌生我看都不会看你一眼
In any relationship, as long as you want to be unfamiliar, I will never look at you
如果相处太累 及时道别没有罪
If you get too tired, say goodbye to you in time
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