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心灵鸡汤 琪琪拾柒有点皮



We are all born so beautiful, the biggest tragedy is to hear others say we are not.

孤独一人也没关系 只要能发自内心的爱着一个人 人生就会有救 哪怕不能和他生活在一起。

It’s okay to be alone. As long as you love someone from the heart, your life will be saved, even if you can’t live with him.


没有小确幸的人生 不过是干巴巴的沙漠罢了。

Life without little luck is nothing but a dry desert.

女孩 你要做个不动声色的大人了 不准情绪化 不准偷偷想念 不准回头看 去过自己另外的生活 你要听话 不是所有的鱼都会生活在同一片海里。

Girl, you want to be a calm adult. Don't be emotional. Don't miss secretly. Don't look back. You've been to another life. You need to be obedient. Not all fish will live in the same sea.



No matter what, it is always unforgivable for a person to fall for an excuse. The more no one loves, the more you must love yourself.

人啊, 无论多悲伤肚子还是会饿, 多吃点, 然后把它忘掉吧 。

People, no matter how sad you are, you will still be hungry. Eat more, and then forget about it.


一个人 ,如果没空 ,那是因为他不想有空 , 一个人 ,如果走不开,那是因为不想走开, 一个人 ,对你借口太多 ,那是因为不想在乎。

If a person is not available, it is because he does not want to be free. If a person cannot walk away, it is because he does not want to walk away. A person makes too many excuses for you because he does not want to care.



Really beautiful, can withstand the passing of time. Real elegance, can withstand the wasted years.


Whether it is friendship or love, I hope you can be with the people who make you happy.



In this impetuous age, I hope that each of us can still hold on to the goodness in our hearts.

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