Rain's heart wants to tell mountains and rivers, and mine wants to tell you.
The weather turns cold, and the autumn wind is a little tight. It doesn't matter, I will hold you tighter.
You are not a nobody, you are here with me, it is all the weather and mood.
其实四季还是一样,只是跟你在一起的时候,秋风也温柔 冬雪也温柔。
In fact, the four seasons are the same, but when we are with you, the autumn wind is gentle and the winter snow is gentle.
When I meet you, I feel that my life is not so bad. At least I want to share some happiness with you.
At every moment when happiness and happiness collide, I feel that you should be by my side.
In fact, I have already told you my confession, and in every eye I look at you.
If you think that liking is very abstract, please look into my eyes.
Every time I miss you, there is one more star in my yard. Now, those fragmentary joys have made up the galaxy.
I don't want to stay up late, I want to see you, want you to hug me, want to lie in your arms, smell your body and tell you that I really love you.
I'm looking forward to seeing you from today. With a happy tone, I'll count the days for fun. I'll tear up two calendars a day.
I especially want to spend this winter with him. I especially want to count down to zero with him in the New Year's Eve, jump into his arms with my nose flushed with cold, and tell him that I especially like you.
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