"I hope my hope is hope."
"Remember my good or remember me."
The book always loves to write happy evening
s. "
“今天的落日真好看 毫无意义的温柔也好看”
"Today's sunset looks good, meaningless tenderness and good-looking."
Then wish you and me countless flowers and romance."
“很久不见面的话 会忘了我吗.”
"If you don't see each other for a long time, will you forget me?"
"I'll be with you as the stars of the universe,
So please believe in yourself, and believe in me."
"I hope you realize one day that you missed me."
Sleep until the smoke rises on the world and love when everything is nothing.
"The summer in Phuket never stops,
The teenager I love is always in love.
"Slowly snubbing your people,
It means someone's starting to replace you.
"As people and people drift away
I think the other side has changed.
"I thought you were lighting up my stars,
原来你是乐于助人的太阳. ”
It turns out you're a helpful sun. ”
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