It probably means that even if there are others around me, or even better people, I can't help but think of you.
Those who are easily disappointed will always be those innocent and soft-hearted people, but these soft-hearted people like to ask for trouble.
I have never given up loving you, but have changed from strong to silent. The first time I saw you, I was a little excited, and I secretly looked at you several times.
I am still waiting for you, but you have forgotten that you have been here. One day, I will be strong enough to make everyone feel bad.
It is a pity that many things lack impulse and firmness. The greatest happiness in life is to find that the person you love happens to love yourself.
You love him the most when you are with him, and he loves you the most when he can't get you. You are a very cute person, you should really meet the best person, and I really hope that I am.
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