The troubles of autumn must be buried in the snow of winter
Those who were worried about the snow last time, don’t think about snow today.
Winter comes before you, but if you will come, winter is not worth mentioning
The first snow every year seems to be a surprise from the sky
Watch the snow melt in your hands and the city turns white, put love into a gift and wait for you to tear it down
听说初雪的这一天 说谎的人可以被原谅 告白的人能白头偕老
I heard that on the first day of the first snow, those who lie can be forgiven and those who confess can grow old together
It’s been snowing all night, smearing my thoughts into pure colors
This winter and snow are here as promised, but without you
I want to go to the snow with you, take a walk, and then go white together
我一想到你会跟别人一起看初雪 就不喜欢雪天了
I don't like snow when I think you will watch Chuxue with others
能永远热爱吗 还是如同初雪 只是一个早晨的事
Can you love it forever? It's still like the first snow, it's just a morning
I come to see you with Piaoxue, only ask you to see me as pleasantly surprised as seeing snow
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