“清醒温柔知进退 ,努力上进且优秀”
Be sober and gentle, know how to advance and retreat, work hard, and be excellent.
“你要悄悄拔尖 ,然后惊艳所有人”
You have to quietly top the top, and then surprise everyone.
What you insist on will embrace you in turn one day.
No matter what label you are put on, only you can define yourself.
Some people say that the college entrance examination is qualifying, but the winner is not determined by ranking.
Don't hand in papers in advance, because a man scored 13 points in the last 35 seconds.
What if the end of the effort is you?
Take the college entrance examination as the fulcrum, pry the whole life.
Effort is addictive, especially after the sweetness is tasted.
Once became famous, the glory goes to the court.
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