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我没觉得孤独 说的浪漫些 我完全自由

I don’t feel lonely, it’s more romantic, I’m totally free


Shining alone is the last word


讲真的 爱情不是无聊的唯一出路

Seriously, love is not the only way out of boredom

热爱世间万物 无最爱 无例外

Love everything in the world, no favorite, no exception



Instead of spending time and money on the other person who is full of uncertainty, it is better to spend it on yourself

宁愿交白卷 也不要满是错误的答案

I would rather hand in a blank paper than full of wrong answers



You have to allow someone to like someone who is quiet


There are so many interesting things in the world, no one is worth my life



The most stable relationship in the world is no relationship

单身有何不可  一个人干净利落

Why not be single



No one wants to end my happy single life

不是所有人单身都代表可撩状态 有些人对爱已经没有指望 只想安安静静的读几年书 然后闷声不响的发发财

Not everyone who is single represents a good state. Some people have no hope of love. They just want to study quietly for a few years, and then make a fortune in silence.


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