导语:这世间本是各自下雪 各人有个人的隐晦和皎洁。In this world, it snows separately, and each person has his own concealment and brightness.
你不得不承认 钱可以解决生活中95%的烦恼。You have to admit that money can solve 95% of the troubles in life.
喝醉 从来就不是酒精的罪过 而是感情的度数太高。Getting drunk is never the sin of alcohol, but the degree of emotion is too high.
原来熠熠生辉的星星也会把角落里的孩子当做救赎。It turns out that the shining stars will take the children in the corner as redemption.
我该怎么去跟你形容这段乱七八糟的日子。How can I describe this messy day to you?
闲人怎么能知道忙人有多想闲人 这句话越听越浪漫。How can idle people know how busy people miss idle people? The more you listen to this sentence, the more romantic it becomes.
总有些爱需要消失才能证明。There are always some loves that need to disappear to prove.
快餐感情肆意横行的时代 我真想和你慢慢来I really want to take my time with you when fast food and feelings are rampant.
我还没来得及炫耀你,你就已经不是我的了。Before I could show off, you were no longer mine.
结语:会有人替我爱你 但我忘不掉你。Someone will love you for me, but I can't forget you.
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