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Your eyes will bend into a bridge with a smile, but I will never reach the end.


We are all fine, but time is not coincident.


注定风是不羁的旅人 ,你我也不过是一季过客。

The wind is destined to be uninhibited travellers, and you and I are just a season of travelers.

青春真的很单薄, 什么都很轻, 风一吹 ,我们就走散了。

Youth is really thin, everything is light, when the wind blows, we go away.



Time will force us to look back and laugh at our original innocence.

就让我一个人站在拥挤人潮,听嘈杂的笑闹,然后孤独终老, 我可以很好。

Just let me stand alone in a crowded crowd, listen to the noisy laughter, and then die alone, I can be fine.



If possible, I want to be someone you are afraid of losing.

我深知我不是那么重要 ,所以我从来不奢望别人对我好。

I know I am not that important, so I never expect others to treat me well.



You are out of reach, I am very humble.

终究我也学会了咽下很多东西 ,然后淡淡的说句没事。

After all, I also learned to swallow a lot of things, and then said lightly that it was all right.


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