I just miss his gentleness
你把我丢了又丢 没想过我有多难过吧
You lost me again, never thought how sad I was
I don’t care about you when I see that you treat others well
花已经枯了 你再浇水也是多余
The flower has withered, and you water it is unnecessary
I can't stop you from running towards someone better than me
The name that makes you hard to remember was never me
I just want to take you home, but I dare not
原来我以为的 真的只是我以为
So what I thought was really just what I thought
我把梦想卖了 换成了柴米油盐
I sold my dream and replaced it with firewood, rice, oil and salt
Today’s wish: I want joy in the mountains and plains
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