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教育 爱遐想的鱼公子


今天下雪了哦 ,雪很开心, 我也是。

It's snowing today. Oh, snow is very happy. So am I.




I hold winter in my hand. Do you want to send one to you.




When it snows, I feel like I'm a little pudding, covered with coconut milk.



听说初雪的这一天 ,说谎的人可以被原谅 ,告白的人能白头偕老。

It is said that on this day of the first snow, liars can be forgiven, and confessors can live together.




In a short time, I will miss you all over the mountain in winter. I will sweep the snow in spring and watch with the people I like.




Burying his hot cheek in the soft snow, I want to have a look at it.




The best snow in winter comes from: the snow across the screen, the snow under the streetlights, the snow looking out of the window, and the snow falling from the collar of someone you like.




If you are lovelorn, when you can't wait for the ice and snow to melt, put a fire to burn the snow and burn it into another spring.




Sunny day is suitable for meeting, snowy day is suitable for missing.




I am a pile of cold branches from the inside out, waiting for the snow to light me.



第一个告诉你下雪的人一定很喜欢你吧 ,如果没有, 那我就是第一个告诉你的人。

The first person to tell you that it snows must like you very much. If not, I am the first one to tell you.

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