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Although I didn’t look at the front eye, Yu Guang looked at it tens of thousands of times


How disappointed to change the remarks to the full name


你最配 顶配 绝配 又怎样,她是原配

You are the best match, the best match, the perfect match, so what, he is the original match


I will pay attention to everything about you, will understand everything about you, and you should look back at me


女孩子的温柔分两种 一种是被亲情被友情被爱情宠出来的温柔 另一种则是经历过世事之后不得已的温柔

There are two types of girl’s tenderness. One is the tenderness that is spoiled by family, friendship and love, and the other is the tenderness that has to be experienced after the world.

你会不会在突然有一天醒来后觉得 其实你亏欠我蛮多的

Will you wake up one day suddenly and feel that you owe me a lot


他说他很爱你 他没说有你不行。他说你只能是他的 他说他会一直陪着你 他说对不起 他说,你会遇到更好的

He said that he loves you very much. He said you can only be his. He said he will always be with you. He said I’m sorry. He said that you will meet better


She doesn’t need to do anything, she just stands there and he likes her


所有的星星都叫做星星 只有月亮叫做月亮 那星星会怎么想

All the stars are called stars, only the moon is called the moon. What do the stars think?


I'll give you up in this life, remember to take me home in the next life



There is always a name that makes the corners of your mouth rise and make your tears fall


I thought he was cold by nature, until he humbled and asked another person.


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