分手就分手 说我不是奥特曼是不是玩不起
Break up to break up to say I am not Altman can not afford to play
我成为不了奥特曼我没哭 今天早上我找不到秋裤 我哭了
I can't be Ultraman. I didn't cry. I couldn't find long Johns this morning
奥特曼其实是个恐怖片 如果你从怪兽的视角来看的话
Ultraman is actually a horror movie if you look at it from the monster's point of view
每一个成功的奥特曼背后 都有一群默默挨打的小怪兽
Behind every successful Ultraman is a group of little monsters who are quietly being beaten
对不起各位 我要离开地球了 奥特曼来接我了 我不能再呆在地球上打工了
I'm sorry, everybody. I'm leaving the earth. Ultraman is coming to pick me up
那一年 迪迦倒在了大海里 失去了最后的希望 那里充满了黑暗 我哭着拿起了家里的手电筒 照向电视机
That year Dega fell in the sea and lost her last hope. It was full of darkness. I cried and reached for the family flashlight and shone it on the TV
你要永远相信光的存在 世界上才会有奥特曼的存在
You have to always believe in the existence of light in order to have the existence of Ultraman
我们也是怪兽 总有一天会被正义的奥特曼杀死
We are also monsters and will be killed by the righteous Ultraman one day
一夜没睡 因为我一直想不明白一个问题 为什么迪迦奥特曼比其他的奥特曼更出名
I was up all night because I couldn't figure out the question Why is Diga Altman more famous than any other Altman
转载请超链接注明:头条资讯 » 帅气的奥特曼来了,一起来看看吧
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